Thursday, December 21, 2006

It is all in the mind

It is all in the mind.... How we bias the circuits in the brain for optimum benefit of the mankind.
It can be I, I, Me or can be biased to Be Enabled for others

"To fight a bull when you are not scared is nothing," says a well-known bull fighter. "And not to fight a bull when you are scared is nothing. But to fight a bull when you are scared -- that is something." What gives you the courage to act on your ideas? Having a well-thought plan? Encouragement? Faith in the idea? Past success? What puts a lion in your heart?

I guess we al know how bulls stand in the middle of the road with their dangling bells. A farmer from Prakasam district presented an ongole bull to our Laloo prasad yadav, visiting professor at IIM Ahmedabad.

Lesson from Laloo at IIM .... Milk the Cow... Cow needs to be milked...

You know the reason why Monsieur Yadav keeps bulls in the farm?

Coming together is beginning
Staying together is progress
working together is success.

Three cheers from Savineers


At Wednesday, February 27, 2008 9:06:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


i came across this article of yours quite year or so, but i must say i am pretty much impressed by the bull fighter quote...

just what one needs on a damp day.

as you always have been writing, three cheers to the bull fighter..

paresh thakkar.
p c t h a k k a r at g m a i l . c o m


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